Survey to AHA-related service providers/innovators

Dear service provider!

Are you providing solutions (service, innovation, product) to people of 65+ to support active and healthy ageing? Would you like to reach a bigger impact with your service? Do you wish to share your good practice with peers?

The aim of this survey is to map current practices in measuring the impact of innovative solution. The information collected by the survey will be used to improve an evaluation framework for the active and healthy aging domain.

What is in it for you?

You will receive the aggregated results and contribute to better methods and tools for impact assessment.

We invite you to take the survey, if you answer yes to at least 2 of the following points:

  • your organization has developed an innovative solution for active and healthy ageing such as digital health or care solution;
  • the end users are seniors (65 years or older), formal or informal caregivers or other organizations providing solution to end users;
  • your service has been brought to market in at least one EU state, and you aim to scale it up and go outside your home market.

The Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA) is a Coordination and Support Action funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. The EU-funded IN-4-AHA project will enhance the uptake of digital innovations in active and healthy ageing.

The deadline for submitting answers has been extended to May 20.

Extended deadline! Open Call for the IN-4-AHA Living Lab Testing Scheme

IN-4-AHA released its first Open Call for the IN-4-AHA Living Lab Testing Scheme on 1 April. The initial deadline of 30 April has now been postponed to 14 May. Please get in touch with us if you wish to receive more information about your application or the process.

The objective of IN-4-AHA Open Call is to facilitate the scalability of innovative solutions in active and healthy ageing across EU. It offers testing opportunities and business coaching for innovative and scalable solutions. ​User-centred cross-border testing of selected innovations will be done in e-environments and physical spaces in Finland and Spain.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for:

  • Scalable digital or technology-supported innovation to test according to real-life needs.
  • Solutions offered to real users. Technology maturity level TRL5 or higher.
  • The end-users of the solution have to be seniors (65 and older), formal or informal caregivers for seniors, or organisations offering services to seniors.
  • Particularly in the following fields:

    – mHealth solutions for active and healthy ageing

    – smart age-friendly homes and independent living

    – chronic disease management

Who can apply?

The eligible applicant must be legally registered in a Member State of the European Union or in a Horizon 2020 associated country.

  • SMEs, start-ups, large companies, universities, research and technology centred and other organisations.

The eligible solution is a digital or technology-support innovation for active and healthy ageing.

Apply here

Please first read the detailed information about the Open Call from the launch document and fill in the application form below.

What do the 5 finalists receive?

The five finalists receive​

  • testing opportunities with users in living labs in Finland and Spain ​
  • business coaching for scaling up from an international coaching team​
  • feedback and report based on the user-centred testing in Finland and in Spain
  • visibility on IN-4-AHA webpage 

All applicants receive

  • IN-4-AHA network partners offer services for all the applicants eligible for their innovation and business support programs.

Evaluation criteria

1-5 points are awarded to the following criteria:​

Team behind the solution (weight 25 %)​

  • For example clear vision and strategy, skills and competences, resources​

Solution (weight 25 %)​

  • For example novelty, PCC, TRL 5 or higher

Scalability (weight 25 %)​

  • “CORRECT” adapted from WHO (2009)

Business potential (weight 25 %)​

  • For example size and growth of the potential market

More information

See the details of the open call from the Launch of an Open Call for the IN-4-AHA Living lab testing scheme here:

Data protection


April 1, 2021:

Launch of the Call​

May 14, 2021:

Extended deadline for applications​

May 15 May to May 30, 2021:

Evaluation period, requests for additional information

May 31, 2021:

Selection of the finalists​

June 1 to June 13, 2021:

Preliminary discussions and agreements​

From June to December, 2021:

User-centred tests ​

From August to December, 2021:

Business coaching

Testing sites

Xamk Active Life Lab

CSG Cluster Saúde de Galicia

Workshop: How to unlock the potential of stakeholders in active and healthy ageing participatory design process?

How to create an innovative solution that will excel in the market? Who to engage in the design process? How to engage? Which are the tools for stakeholder engagement?

On 21 April, the IN-4-AHA consortium organized the workshop “How to unlock the potential of stakeholders in active and healthy ageing participatory design process” to answer these specific questions. The virtual meeting was hosted to discuss best practices from the Unites States and Estonia on how to create and scale up successful products in the field of active and healthy ageing.

The event focused on the involvement of end-users and how stakeholders can be actively involved in the design process of novel solutions. The first presentation was given by Helen Kokk, UI/UX Expert and Graphic Designer (Estonia), who discussed specific case-studies on stakeholder engagement. Robert Schultz, Managing Director at Massnex (United States), informed the audience on his experiences on how to partner with the community and target group.