Workshop: How to unlock the potential of stakeholders in active and healthy ageing participatory design process?

How to create an innovative solution that will excel in the market? Who to engage in the design process? How to engage? Which are the tools for stakeholder engagement?

On 21 April, the IN-4-AHA consortium organized the workshop “How to unlock the potential of stakeholders in active and healthy ageing participatory design process” to answer these specific questions. The virtual meeting was hosted to discuss best practices from the Unites States and Estonia on how to create and scale up successful products in the field of active and healthy ageing.

The event focused on the involvement of end-users and how stakeholders can be actively involved in the design process of novel solutions. The first presentation was given by Helen Kokk, UI/UX Expert and Graphic Designer (Estonia), who discussed specific case-studies on stakeholder engagement. Robert Schultz, Managing Director at Massnex (United States), informed the audience on his experiences on how to partner with the community and target group.