Active and healthy ageing communities have always been knowledge sharing spaces for experts from all over Europe. Researchers, innovators, policy makers, users, among others joined forces to develop and deliver workable solutions to improve the lives of ageing European citizens.
And so, to both capture both the excellence of our network’s projects, but also provide our consortium with valuable information on how to design and implement good practices, IN-4-AHA is promoting this early summer season as Good Practice month! Between 11 June and 11 July, we invite you to post your best practices on the Futurium platform! Three participants will then be invited to present their work in one of our webinars.
How to participate?
1. Make sure you have a Futurium account and sign up to one of its subforums on Futurium Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World
2. Post your good practice in the Best Practices section. Following the posting guidelines is recommended (Length – 10 lines; TRL level of the developed solution; where, by whom and how the solution has been created, tested, and deployed; link to full information, video, or other graphic material)
3. Use the IN4AHA hashtag (#IN4AHA) – You can type it out manually in the “tags” box and the system will accept it. It may not be in the suggestions at first but it you will still be able to add it
4. Done!
The deadline for sharing best practices is extended until 12 July COB.