General feedback survey

The IN-4-AHA Consortium organises a variety of activities relevant to the project and the Active and Healthy Ageing community. As the project is situated firmly within that community, we are dedicated to welcoming feedback at any time. Whether it relates to a webinar, focus group, or any other activity organised by IN-4-AHA, we would love to receive your input and comments in order to continue improving our actions and play into the needs and wishes of our stakeholders as best we can.

For this purpose, we have opened a feedback form where you can share your opinions on activities you have attended, and also suggest possible topics to be included in future activities. You are welcome to fill out the feedback form as many times as you like, for different activities/webinars/workshops/etc., and you will remain entirely anonymous.

Use the button below to access the feedback form. This form remains open until the project ends. 

Toolkit feedback form

Dear AHA stakeholder,

Are you providing or developing solutions (service, innovation, product) to support active and healthy ageing? Would you like to give your input to the participatory design toolkit? 

The aim of this survey is to map current practices in end-user involvement of product/service development processes among different stakeholders in the active and healthy ageing domain (AHA)The information collected by the survey will be used to create the participatory design toolkit. 

How will it benefit you? You will receive the aggregated results and contribute to the creation of the toolkit and scale-up model that will be shared within the AHA community.

We invite you to take the survey, if:

  • Your organization has developed or has been involved in the development of an innovative solution for active and healthy ageing such as digital health or care solutions;
  • The end users of your solution are ageing citizens, formal or informal caregivers, family members, patients or other relevant target group.

The Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA) is a Coordination and Support Action funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. The EU-funded IN-4-AHA project will enhance the uptake of digital innovations in active and healthy ageing.

Please submit your responses by October 19th, 2021, through clicking the button below.