This article is part of a series of editorials dedicated to discovering, at-a-glance, some of the most recent project outputs of the IN-4-AHA project.
In this article, we will focus on IN-4-AHA Innovation scale-up model and roadmap (D3.3), produced as part of the activities of Work Package 4 – Service testing and adoption.
To learn more about the playbook, we asked three key questions to Maarika Merirand, Project Manager at Tehnopol, lead partner for this IN-4-AHA product.
What is the IN-4-AHA scale-up model roadmap?
The IN-4-AHA roadmap describes how the three most significant actors in the AHA innovation field should support implementing novel solutions on a large scale. The roadmap brings together conclusions from different parts of the IN-4-AHA project and proposes a strategic approach to innovation implementation.
Who is it intended for and what is the added value of this deliverable?
The health and care sector does have a large and diverse range of stakeholders, and the roadmap emphasises the importance of involving them.
However, innovators, enablers and policy-makers play the most significant role in scaling up. Innovators are companies, usually SMEs with novel services and products whose ambition is to internationalise. Enablers include a variety of business support organisations, from clusters and incubators to reference sites and living labs. Policy-makers include national, regional and European-level decision-makers. The roadmap proposes activities from short-term to long-term perspective, and outlines where actor groups should collaborate. More details on each activity can be found in other outputs of the IN-4-AHA project.
Do you want to check out the IN-4-AHA Living Lab testing and innovation scale-up playbook? You can access it directly on our website here or download it in document format here. And do not miss the opportunity to visit our page to discover all other IN-4-AHA key outputs.
Want to know more about IN-4-AHA and its outcomes, register now for the Final Conference of the project, taking place in Tallinn (and online) on 7th December 2022! Seats are limited, check out the event agenda and register now!