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Best Practices Month is back! [extended]

The IN-4-AHA consortium is looking for the best practices in active and healthy living, developed by Europe’s leading SMEs, entrepreneurs, networks, regional health care officials, and R&D expertise in the field.  

Futurium – Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World, is a forum-like platform where all stakeholders are free to share their projects. It also features subgroups based on the main topics of interest of the AHA community: Wellbeing and Health promotion, Ecosystems and Reference Sites, International Cooperation, Silver Economy & HealthTech, Age-Friendly environments, and, Digital Health Literacy. Not only can users advertise their events and share news, but also post on the Best practices section. Best practices can broadly be defined as innovative technologies, methodologies, projects, or programs, developed to solve a problem, or address a need regarding active and healthy ageing (AHA). 

Having doubts on how to use Futurium? See this useful guide (Futurium User Manual | Futurium ( developed by its team, and download a Q&A ( prepared by the IN-4-AHA that answers some of the most common questions and presents an overview of the website. 

Between the 1st of April and the 13th of May [deadline extended], post your best practices in Futurium! 

How to participate? 

  1. Make sure you have a futurium account  

  1. Post your good practice in the Best Practices section of the main forum or subforums, following the posting guidelines is recommended (Length – 10 lines; TRL level of the developed solution; where, by whom and how the solution has been created, tested, and deployed; link to full information, video, or other graphic material) 

  1. Use the one IN-4-AHA hashtag (IN4AHA or IN-4-AHA) to let us know you want to share your work with the consortium  

  1. Done! 

Three participants will be invited to present their project in one of our webinars, in early June! 

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