Get involved!
The objective of the IN-4-AHA (Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing) project is to ensure the coordination and support of scale-up mechanisms provided by the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging (EIP on AHA) and its stakeholders towards a more efficient uptake of innovation cycle in active and healthy ageing.
On this page you can find all the different ways to get involved with IN-4-AHA:
- Documents open for stakeholder consultation
- Project surveys
- Other platforms where you can interact with IN-4-AHA
- Subscription form for our database
The documents under this section are currently open for stakeholder review. Clicking on the title will open the corresponding document. If you would like to give comments, please do so via e-mail to the listed contact for that document.
- Toolbox for evidence-building and data management: WP5 Hille Hinsberg (
Whether it relates to a webinar, focus group, call, or any other activity organised by IN-4-AHA, we welcome feedback at any time. Sometimes we launch specific surveys, e.g. to collect stakeholder input for project deliverables. You can find those surveys here too. Please share your views with us via the corresponding orange button below.

Futurium is a multi-stakeholder platform launched by the European Commission as communication an information hub for citizens, innovators, health and care providers, researchers, and policy makers. "Active and Healthy Ageing in the Digital World" is the main group for everything on active and healthy ageing and IN-4-AHA, but others are active here as well and you are welcome too! Please click on the icon to visit Futurium.

LinkedIn (listed group)
IN-4-AHA is currently responsible for managing this listed LinkedIn group with stakeholders from the EIP on AHA and new stakeholders taking an interest in the topic of healthy ageing. Group members actively share publications, events, and anything else they deem relevant. IN-4-AHA events and materials are also shared here. Please click on the icon to visit the LinkedIn group.

In case Facebook is more your cup of tea, connect with us via our page called "Innovation Network for Active and Healthy Ageing In-4-aha". Here we share all IN-4-AHA events, news, and other noteworthy developments.

IN-4-AHA has taken over the Twitter account from EIP on AHA (@EIP_AHA) and is managing it under the same name: Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) Community. Follow us for news about IN-4-AHA and developments from other projects and stakeholders in the AHA field.