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To start the scale-up process you must collect information and analyse it to map scale-up potential and possibilities. It is a low-risk stage, but crucial for building the base for future activities and for minimizing risks and costs in the later stages.  

At the end of the LEARN stage you should have a better picture if scaling up is a feasible strategy, and initial understanding of if and how your solution should be adapted to the target market. The decision that you must make at the end of this phase is whether to proceed or not. 

Questions to address:

  • What is the problem that your solution is designed to alleviate? 
  • Who is the need owner and other groups impacted by the problem? 
  • What are the most important environmental aspects at the target market (regulations, demographic trends, cultural differences, existing infrastructure and processes, competitors and alternatives etc.  
  • What is your solution and how has its feasibility been proven? 
  • What resources do you need to enter the target market (finances, competences, partnerships, infrastructure etc. 
  • What are the potential risks (clinical, business, regulatory and technical risks)?